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The revival of the Vote or Die “Vote for..” digital campaign mission is to encourage people to go out to vote while also bringing awareness to current issues. 

It wants to bring awareness to the current issues around the world that involve education, human rights, economics and more.

Vote or Die campaign  will be highlighting and showcasing the stories of impacted lives of everyday men and women who are victims of the social injustices happening in the world right now.

Sean John has released two powerful digital videos that will spark emotions and encourage people to register and vote for this upcoming election.

The videos were made to show the meaningful visuals through a digital campaign on Youtube.

One video goes deep into the frontlines of individuals that are doing their best by bringing awareness to all the issues that are occurring right now in America.

The second video features Desiree Barns, former press aide of Obama who is well known for the viral video of her impromptu speech. 

They combined their visuals with high fashion photography and with regular everyday people for their campaign instead of using professionals models as their talent. 

Although the campaign is not using celebrities as their focus, some stars have been spotted rocking the Vote Or Die t-shirts like Selena Gomez and NBA player Lebron James. 

T-Shirts for the collection “Vote or Die” are now available for purchase on their website.

Sean John campaign originally initiated in 2004, 16 years before the relaunch in 2020.

The lifestyle clothing brand is in partnership with RO-NY, Ouigi Theodore and Brooklyn Circus to help raise awareness of the impactful digital campaign.