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In response to the global pandemic, Square Off provides its users with an updated and user-friendly way to simplify the transition amongst the gaming world. A video calling feature has allowed chess players and all alike to maintain the face-to-face interaction, while safely behind their computer screens.

“We gave the world the first ever telerobotic chess board and want to continue adding a little magic to the everyday lives of people. Through our creations we endeavour to build machines that feel more human than mechanical and give them an enhanced, gen-next experience”.

In 2017, Square Off’s first computerized chessboard was created to provide gamers the ability to play with other individuals all the way on the other side of the world. With the introduction of their new face-to-face screening, Square Off’s purpose was to approach our “new normal” with an escape from reality. The new feature enhances the players social interaction while boosting the overall morale of the game. Providing this experience develops building blocks for better relationships and comradery and produces a powerful form of connectivity through a friendly little competition.

The video calling feature has the ability to allow players to engage and interact with others anywhere in the world while intending the experience to feel as though they were playing in the same room. The sense of having face-to-face interaction during a game of chess is often more important than one may assume.

Although the virus has forced many sporting events, music festivals and other social interactions to be put on hold, online gaming has continued to rise. The appeal of online gaming helps individuals find ways to cope with social distancing and the response to the stay-at-home order in as a healthy and manageable alternative.

Bhavya Gohil, CEO of Square Off stated, “This is an exciting time for the chess community. The lockdowns have motivated people to rediscover their passion and the chess community is expanding. We are glad to see that ‘Square Off’ is helping stay connected with their loved ones. The recent addition to the video calling feature was the call of the hour and we are thrilled for the response it has received. It takes the experience of connected board gaming one notch ahead. We are constantly innovating to provide the most quintessential gaming experience.”.

Unlike anything else, their website features their skills to be automated, connected, intelligent and handcrafted.